Monday, May 10, 2010

Appraisal is in

Christina's appraisal has come in today 05/10/10

It appraised with no worries.. $199,000

It will be reviewed by underwriting and a copy will be sent from processing.

Great House Christina!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Move...

Christina wrote a letter to us as we began the mortgage application process. It is one that I thought should be shared as it was such a great statement.  
 She wrote: 

I have recently had the wonderful opportunity to relocate to the amazing state of North Carolina. I am beginning the exciting stages of buying my first home. This home will be the start of my new life in my new state. I am looking forward to establishing roots and making new memories and this home will be my starting point.

Christina is moving here from Michigan and will be getting married in the fall. We are very excited to be working with her through this journey.

Everything happens for a reason...

When you think you are not going to find the home of your dreams- things seem to just fall into place! After searching for the perfect home for Christina and Len- it seemed that we just weren't finding the perfect fit. After an offer on another home fell through- we started our search again. Another weekend gone by (or so we thought) and still nothing. Last Saturday morning I got a call from Christina and Len about a house they had driven by and wanted to see asap! Of course as the agent I was thrilled but didn't want to get too excited until we actually got to walk thru this home. A few hours later- we were on the hood of the car creating an offer on this "perfect" home. We went back and forth a few times with the listing agent and sellers (of which was such a great experience- the agent and sellers were a joy to work through this with) and TADA- a contract! Christina and Len's dream home is finally a reality! YAY for them!